Your Personal Brand Style
Are you feeling unsure about the way you dress, look, or present yourself? If it has to do with feeling confident, looking successful, owning your personal brand style, I can help.

I’ve been involved in fashion throughout my life working in clothing stores and as a personal stylist for professionals, public speakers, TV personalities, and red carpet events. I studied with one of the first personal stylists in Montreal and have previously worked in the corporate world as a marketing manager. I then worked as an anchor, reporter, TV host, and actress. These experiences have allowed me to have a good grasp on the image women need to project to stand out and differentiate themselves, so people and clients can easily relate to them and understand who they are.
This is partly why I specialize in working with high achieving women in the spotlight. I understand what they need and can help them to get to that next level in their lives. I use a Feng Shui approach with a 6000 year old track record that supports people in manifesting what they desire. My process supports them in attracting what they want: their ideal clients, jobs, promotions, and speaking engagements with a powerful branded image. People can energetically read into how you feel and present yourself on the outside as it’s a direct reflection of what is going on in the inside. And this is why dressing to FEEL amazing is so important.

Through my styling program you will: